R&D Ab Publications:
Webber RJ, et al (2018) “Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Circulating Microvesicles: Discovery, Evolution, and Evidence as a Novel Biomarker and the Probable Causative Agent for Sepsis” J Appl Lab Med.
Pan SJ, et al (2016) “Plasma iNOS as a biomarker for sepsis in ER patients” Ann Emerg Med; 68:S47-S48.
Webber RJ, et al (2021) “Circulating Microvesicle-Associated Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Is a Novel Therapeutic Target to Treat Sepsis: Current Status and Future Considerations” Int J Mol Sci.
Confirmatory Pubications:
ESICM Joint Statement (2021) “Three Major Scientific Societies Confirm Link between SARSCoV-2 and Sepsis, Which Causes Vast Majority of COVID-19 Deaths”.
Gambin MH, et al (2007) “Platelet-derived exosomes induce endothelial cell apoptosis through peroxynitrite generation: Experimental evidence for a novel mechanism of septic vascular dysfunction” Critical Care 2007, 11:R107.
Azevedo LCP, et al (2007) “Platelet-derived exosomes from septic shock patients induce myocardial dysfunction” Critical Care 2007, 11:R120.
Mortaza S, et al (2009) “Detrimental hemodynamic and inflammatory effects of microparticles originating from septic rats” Crit Care Med, 37#6:2045–50 DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e3181a00629